Monday, October 25, 2010

Katie gets 2nd in Old Dominion Vizsla Club's Horseback Trial

On October 23, 2010 Katie earned 2nd place at the Old Dominion Vizsla Club's fall horseback trial. This American Field/AKC dual sanctioned trial had an Open Gun Dog stake with 24 entries. Katie had a very strong race and a stylish find to garner the red ribbon. Thanks again go to Jamie Fountain of Oconee Kennels for handling Katie. Jamie has done a wonderful job getting Katie back in shape and on track this fall after she whelped and raised the litter this spring.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Charlie Wins Michigan Woodcock Championship!

Our Charlie (CH Chip's Charlie Brown) was crowned the winner of the 2010 Michigan Woodcock Championship today, October 18, 2010. Charlie had 3 grouse finds and 3 woodcock finds during his hour on the ground in unusual heat. All were handled with good manners. There were 72 dogs drawn for this big trial and Charlie ran against some very serious competition.

We are so proud of Charlie. He loved to point from the time we brought him home at 8 weeks of age. At 2 months Charlie was finding and pointing the semi-wild pen raised birds which we had released in training Katie. Charlie continued to show his prowess during an early trip to Kansas for wild quail and pheasants. We then sent him for his spring puppy season with Chip and he has been a trial dog ever since.

We owe a huge debt of thanks to Steve and Ginny Chiappini (Chip's Kennels) for their mentoring and for letting us co-own Charlie, and to Marc and Scott Forman (Shady Hills Kennels) for their work in honing Charlie's skills in the field trial arena. We also appreciate the advice and encouragement of Jamie Fountain (Oconee Kennels) and Steve Groy while we were introducing Charlie to birds and giving him his early training during his first year. We would like to acknowledge the efforts of Craig Peters (Keystone Setters) for his breeding program that has produced yet another champion.

Katie gets 3rd Place at GSP of Ohio horseback trial

On October 11, 2010 Katie placed third at the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Ohio's fall horseback trial. Katie ran in hot weather and had multiple finds for handler Jamie Fountain of Oconee Kennels. This trial was a dual sanctioned American Field/AKC field trial.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hawk and Smudge enjoy a break from the heat

We have finally got a slight break from the heat down here in south Georgia. The last couple of mornings have been below 70 degrees and I've been able to let Katie's pups, Hawk and Smudge, have a little longer workouts. They are both pointing birds and I can usually get in front to flush. Hawk is a bull in the thick stuff, and Smudge is really fast and reminding me a lot of his mom. Here are pictures from one of today's sessions.