Saturday, March 23, 2013

Charlie Wins West Branch

On March 10th, Chip's Charlie Brown was named the winner of the West Branch Grouse trial. This cover dog trial drew 41 dogs this year and our Charlie topped them all. It's great to have Charlie back in the winner's circle.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hawk and Smudge join Team HiFive

Hawk and Smudge have gone to spend the spring trial season on the string of HiFive Kennels (Bruce and Jennie Minard). We wanted to give them a chance at some more NBHA trials and even a few more horseback stakes than we have time to get them to. So we have put them with Bruce to see what they will do for him. Hopefully they will continue their winning ways. Smudge had two placements and Hawk three this past fall. They each have more than a handful of placements now (see last year's post of their field trial records). In the photo you can see Hawk backing Smudge.

Katie has been bred

On March 13th and then the following days, Katie was bred by Grumpy (4xRUCH Uppercove Desert Devil, now High Desert Devil). We have our fingers crossed that the breeding took. Grumpy's recent win of the Armstrong Umble Endurance Classic further validates our choice of him for the sire of Katie's litter. Way to go Grumpy.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Katie in Heat and at Shady Hills Kennel to be bred to Grumpy

Katie (RUCH Pine Straw Katydid) is in heat and up in New York with the Formans to be bred to Grumpy (4xRUCH Uppercove Desert Devil). We're keeping our fingers crossed that the breeding takes and we get pups from this matching of a son of Shady Hills Billy to a daughter of Chip's Uncle Buzzie. Stay tuned...


Pine Straw Magpie had a great start to her horseback trials. On March 1-2 Maggie took 1st in the Open Puppy and 3rd in the Open Derby at the Old Dominion Vizsla Club's Spring Field Trial. I haven't had much time to run her in trials lately due to a busy work schedule, so we asked Jamie Fountain of Oconee Kennels to run her in some horseback trials during the month of March.